F*EX - Frams' Fast File EXchange

F*EX (Frams' Fast File EXchange) is a service to send big (large, huge, giant, ...) files from a user A to a user B.

The sender uploads the file to the F*EX server using a WWW upload form and the recipient automatically gets a notification e-mail with a download-URL.

You say:

Why do I need another service for file transfer?!
I have e-mail, ftp, ssh and even sendfile!

I say:

You still need F*EX ☺

For example, you want to send your colleague your last lab data set (1 GB). You have the following possibilities (and problems):

If you have answered only once "no" to the questions above, then you need F*EX.

See also XKCD.

Main features of F*EX

Convinced? → Download server software

Still questions?

See the full feature list, the FAQ and the use cases.

Comparision with bwSync&Share and DFN GigaMove.

More software?

Interested in more software? See the UNIX fstools.

contact: fexmaster
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