F*EX Frequently Asked Questions: Misc

Sections: [Meta] [User] [Admin] Misc [All]

Misc Q1:I have a special use case and need a special access. Is there a F*EX API?
Misc Q2:F*EX is great! Can I join the developing team? What needs to be done?
Misc Q3:Can I donate something for F*EX?

Misc Q1:I have a special use case and need a special access. Is there a F*EX API?
Misc A1: See
[↑ Questions]

Misc Q2:F*EX is great! Can I join the developing team? What needs to be done?
Misc A2: Contact the author <framstag@rus.uni-stuttgart.de>

Requested features are:

[↑ Questions]

Misc Q3:Can I donate something for F*EX?
Misc A3: If you have a pet animal, fex a cute video of it to the author <framstag@rus.uni-stuttgart.de>
[↑ Questions]