F*EX use case: benchmark

If you want to test upload and download speed to your fexserver, you can use fbm (F*EX benchmark).

fbm uploads a dummy file to the fexserver and then downloads it (without saving) and shows the transfer rates.

  framstag@moep: fbm
  usage: fbm [-n] [-s server] [-P proxy] #MB
  options: -n  do not store on server
           -s  use alternative F*EX server:port
           -P  proxy server:port
  examples: fbm 1000

  framstag@moep: fbm 1000
  Testing fex.belwue.de:
  upload: 1000 MB in 3 s, 337084 kB/s
  download: 1000 MB in 1 s, 661536 kB/s

First, create a restricted F*EX dummy user on your fexserver with

  nettest=nettest@$(hostname -f) # local user nettest with domain
  fac -u $nettest nettest        # create user nettest with auth-ID nettest
  fac -C $nettest y              # make user nettest captive
  fac -n $nettest n              # disable notification e-mails for user nettest
  fac -a $nettest y              # set autodelete=yes for user nettest
  fac -k $nettest 1              # set 1 day keep default
  echo $nettest > /home/fex/spool/$nettest/@ALLOWED_RECIPIENTS
Second, install ddd (dummy data dump) in /home/fex/cgi-bin/

Last, edit fbm, set your fexserver name and distribute this script. Everyone can use it without registration.

You can also use fexsend for a pure internet speed test:

framstag@flupp: fexsend -T 1000 fex.rus.uni-stuttgart.de
fexsend: upload to fex.rus.uni-stuttgart.de
nettest: 1000 MB in 10 s = 97092 kB/s
fexsend: download from fex.rus.uni-stuttgart.de
nettest: 1000 MB in 9 s = 106468 kB/s

Next, if you want to use your fexserver as a generic tcp benchmark site open for all, you can install tcpbm in /home/fex/cgi-bin/
In contrast to fbm, one can use tcpbm either via command line or via web browser.
See example https://fex.belwue.de/tcpbm