Then configure anonymous mode:
Set in /home/fex/lib/ your local IP address ranges, example:
@anonymous_upload = qw(;
Then you will see on http://YOURFEXSERVER/fup a link "You may also use anonymous upload"
Anonymous F*EX is like anonymous ftp: you need no personal account and you are anonymous. Because the anonymous user has no e-mail address the F*EX server cannot send automatic notification e-mails, you have to tell your recipient the download URL (you will see it when the upload has finished), e.g. by e-mail.
You can also use fexsend in anonymous mode, example:
fexsend big.file YOURFEXSERVER/anonymous
You can simplify anonymous F*EX for your Unix users by installing afex:
file input usage: afex files... file output usage: afex ID
With afex you can extremly easy copy files (including
whole directory trees) between any accounts on all hosts which are in the
@anonymous_upload list.
For download you just need the afex ID which is a 6 digit number you will
see after upload.
For quick _CENSORED_ (stream exchange) there is _CENSORED_send in anonymous mode, example:
tar cvf - . | _CENSORED_send YOURFEXSERVER/anonymousOn receiving side you need:
_CENSORED_get YOURFEXSERVER/anonymous | tar xvf -
You can simplify anonymous _CENSORED_ for your users by installing a_CENSORED_:
file input usage: a_CENSORED_ files... pipe input usage: ... | a_CENSORED_ file output usage: a_CENSORED_ ID - pipe output usage: a_CENSORED_ ID | ...